Follow me along the old No man's land, to discover the remains of the Wall, alternative places, some historical places and other curiosities.We will walk from East to West between the districts of Friedrichshain, Mitte and Kreuzberg, you will discover how the passage of the Wall has influenced different neighborhoods. We will end the visit with a drink in an unusual and original place to exchange with you good addresses and tips for the rest of your stay.(Drinks not included)
Guided tour for 2h30: Group capacity:8 persons Flexible schedule: withing the guide's and participants' s availabilities
Prices: 1 to 2 adults: 70€ the tour 1 adult + 1 to 2 children (between 10 and 15 years old): 70€the tour More than 2 adults: 35€peradult 30€ per student 25€per child (between 10 and 15 years old) Free for children under 10 years old:) Special prices for groups, students, works councils: contact me Paiement is made on the spot the day of the visit